101 Angular_netCore

1 minute read

chose desired node version

$version = “8.12.0”

install nvm w/ cmder

choco install cmder choco install nvm refreshenv

install node

nvm ls nvm use 6.9.1

  • make a walking skeleton dotnet watch run

npm install –save –legacy-peer-deps (old dependencies) npm install -g @angular/cli ng new client ng serve

to migrate code c# to db : dotnet ef migrations add UserPasswordAdded dotnet ef database update

I’m back :

  • ng module : import declaration provider entrycomponent

index.html => App => Components


binding : c => dom = {{}} dom => c (click)=‘toogleImage()’ dom <=> c [(ngModel)]=‘textInput’

use pipe to transform data @Pipe({name:’transformName’}) export class convertToSpacePipe implements PipeTransform { transform(value:string) : string { return ‘’; } }

.filter return a new array with true condition

arrow function => …

@Input() rating:number ; @output() notify: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter (); <pm-star [rating]=2 (notify)=‘onNotify($event)’>

@Injectable to specify services

root injector vs component injector @Injectable( { providedIn:‘root’ }) vs providers : [ProductService]

constructor(private productService: ProductService)

RxJS : Observable : nothing until subsribe next , error , complete

specify return http get returns an observable

.pipe(tap(…),catchError(this.handleError)) private handleError (err: httpErrorResponse)

sub! : Subscription ;

Routing : RouterModule.forRoute( { [ path :‘products/:id’ , component: ProductListComponent] } { [ path :‘welcome’ , component: WelcomeComponent] }
{ [ path :’’ , redirectTo:‘welcome’],pathMatch: ‘full’ } { [ path :’**’ , component:PageNotFoundComponent] } )

[routerLink]="[/welcome]" [routerLink]="[’/products/’,product.productId]"

to display component selected from routerLink

remove selector from @component if we want to call it from routerLink

private route: ActivatedRoute ngOnInit() : void { const in = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get(‘id’) }


security (building guard): ng g g component-name

{ [ path :‘products/:id’ ,CanActivate : [ProductDetailGuard] component: ProductListComponent] }

Module :

bootstrap array should only be used in the root application module every component must belong to one and only one angular module

export common module with module if it’s used by the shared module